Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Requiem ARC Book Giveaway!

Hi, Everyone! Due to unforeseen circumstances I have come into possession of this Advance Reader's Copy of the final book of Lauren Oliver's DELIRIUM Series. So I decided what the heck, why not give this away to someone who wants to read it since I haven't read any of the series.

The DEADLINE to enter the giveaway is Monday, February 25th at Midnight Central Standard Time.

This giveaway is only valid for entries located in North America, Europe, and Australia/New Zealand.

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I've been dying to read Requiem ever since finishing Pandemonium last year! I need to know - what happened to Alex and who will Lena choose?

  2. Ugh, this book series is absolutely beautiful! I feel that I need to have the book in my hands to thoroughly enjoy it :)

  3. I'm dying to read this. LOVED the previous two in the series. If I were you I'd greedily keep the copy and devour it myself. Glad you are not as greedy!

  4. I'm nice, C.K. I love giving things!

  5. Hey! I live in Florida, and I always had trouble finding books to read and actually like them until i read Delirium. They changed my life and helped me see how great books can be and it would be AMAZING to be able to read Requiem before i explode of impatience!

  6. I loved the first two books and am SO impatient to read this one! I can't wait :)

  7. What do you mean what happened to Alex? The last book I read he was dead. Did someone just drop a major spoiler???? I just started reading the 2nd book and if this is indeed true, color me irritated.

  8. I really want to win this for my sister. This is one of her favorite series and there is little I do now that she would ever think is cool but this just might win me some brownie points :)


  9. Great series! Need to see how it ends

  10. This book opened so many doors for me and i can't wait to find out who Lena ends up with!!

  11. I loved Delirium and Pandemonium so so much!! I can't wait to read the next one :)

  12. Awesome giveaway - I just finished the 2nd in the series in anticipation for Requiem! It's an amazing series and I cannot wait to read it :)

  13. Lauren Oliver came to my school in the year Delirium was released. Before then, I didn't know who she was but I decided to buy Before I Fall because I wanted to get to know her as a writer. I have to stay, I was stunned. She wrote so beautifully and it just flowed, a sentence into a paragraph into a book. And that's when I knew that if I didn't start reading the Delirium triology, I would go insane!
    So I finished the book around May 2011. It was complete hell waiting till February 2012 for Pandemonium, but I remember pre odering it as soon as I could and finishing it in two days.
    You can imagine my situation now. It's been over a year since I read Requiem and I am absolutely dying to find out what happens. It's the most stunning series of books that not only tell a creative and unique story but also incorperate ideas about life, love, loss and hope. I would love it if I won this book. :)

  14. Thanks for the ahhh-mazing giveaway! I have been absolutely *DYING* to read Requiem ever since that whamming of an ending in Pandemonium! ♥

  15. I am dying to know what happened to Alex. Oh please please please!

  16. Wow! I love everyone's passion for this series! It makes me wonder if I should keep this book and read the others in the series. ;)

    Oh well, too late now, right? I wouldn't want to torture you guys like that anyway.

    Good luck!

  17. Wow! Thank you so much for this giveaway! One of my friends got me into them and I really love this series!

  18. Woo! I'd love to win this! Both me and my 14-year-old sister have LOVED this series. Can't wait to find out what happens!

  19. Eeek! I need this! I love this series- can't wait for it to come out!

  20. I would be forever grateful to win the ARC copy of Requiem! Ive been holding in my curiosity for a year now since Pandemonium came out and i just hold it it no more!

  21. I really want this book because I am a huge fan of the series and need to know what happens next!!!

  22. I would die of a heart attack if i won this book. The Delirium Trilogy is my favorite series ever written and I NEED to know who Lena ends up with!!

  23. Hello! My name is Lisa! :) I have been reading the first 2 books in the Delirium Series the last couple days, (I just finished Pandemonium last night) and was seriously bummed about having to wait for Requiem (since Pandemonium ended with such a BAM!) If I could read all 3 of the series within a couple days of each other that would be the BEST present EVER Doug :) When I found this AWESOME (and selfless lol) giveaway I knew it was fate! :)

  24. Hi there, I'm a huge fan of Lauren Oliver and have been highly anticipating the last book in the series since I really enjoyed Pandemonium (I have my issues with Delirium, but Pandemonium made up for it!). Thank you so much for hosting this terrific giveaway!

    Ensconced in YA

  25. Lauren Oliver is one of my favorite authors, and I've been counting down the days to Requiem!

    Stephanie (Go Flash Go) @ Read, Rinse, Repeat

  26. I just have to see what this author does!

  27. Virus and Teacher X.... If you guys want your blog comments to be counted as entries, please email me your name before the deadline or I can't credit you with an entry!

  28. This is one of my favorite series and I'm dying to see how it all ends! Can't wait to read this! Thanks!

  29. I have read delirium twice now and it stands as the most beautifully written love story I have read yet(and i normally hate romantic books). I think Lauren Oliver's writing is so lovely to read and I absolutely love this series. I was be soooooo happy if I could get my hands on this book and read it before it comes out. I want soooo badly to find out how the trilogy ends!!
